Monday, January 16, 2012

Shifting gears, it is a matter of focus

One of the hardest points to accept in the notion that you completely create your life is when you are going through difficult times. People will quickly retort “I would have never put myself in this situation if I am creating my life”.

This is a very common statement that applies to a wide range of situations that certainly happened in everyone’s life at some point or another. The problem is when you create your life without awareness, you don’t know what you are creating, and sometimes you are presented with a monster.

As I take cues from life, recently I have witnessed situations when “bad”, “unexpected” things happened to good people, so I want to focus this post on the type of situations I call: Facing Change.

Who among us did not live a situation when she felt that her life is crumbling around her, spinning out of control and the sands of change is sweeping across her familiar landscape? She is totally confused and does not know where her life is heading. I think it is totally safe to assume that this happened to all of us in one way or another. It could have happened in a relationship when you suddenly found yourself in quicksand, maybe even facing divorce or unknown future. It could have happened at the workplace being laid off and facing financial uncertainty; or it could be any other situation when the familiar s changing so rapidly that you get dizzy and don’t know where to go.

For a person who is going through the stress of such a situation, the last thing she wants to hear is that she created it herself, and that she is in control of what is going on, as well as the outcome. But if we trace the initiation of thought that have led to that situation, we will be able to see why she “suddenly” found herself in a situation not to her liking. We will also explore how she can remain in control of what is going on at all times.

The principles of how we create our lives are simple; they progress from observation to desire, and then creation. As we live our lives, we observe what is going around us and we make judgments about everything and everyone. These judgments can be either positive or negative and vary in severity based on the emotional reaction the observed person/subject evokes in us. As we keep observing the same people/subjects our judgments accumulate and turn into strong opinions about them. If these opinions are positive, we find ourselves happy about who/what we observe and wanting more of the same. But if these opinions are not positive, we find ourselves unhappy and wanting to change, or see something different in what we observe. Not only that, but we also create an idea about what we would like to observe instead. And this idea that has been created in our mind needs and has to materialize in our life, but it cannot happen as long as we are living in the old, now undesired, creation. So the only way for the new to come in, is for the old to go away.

Let’s make this idea more concrete by putting it in a real life context. A woman starts a new relationship; she is very happy and excited about this man because she sees in him a lot of what she has wished for in a man. She is only focused on these desired qualities and does not see any faults in him; all his “quirks” are invisible to her. The two are happy, get married and live happily for a few years. As time passes by and the demands of life occupy a lot of their time, when they are tired they cannot focus anymore solely on the positive aspects of each other; she starts to be irritated by his “quirks”. She also started to observe certain qualities in others that she wishes her husband posses. Some of her colleagues are more charming, or maybe more attuned to her feelings; and maybe her sister’s husband is more involved in the house chorus or more appreciative of his wife. She starts to desire these qualities in her man as well and an image, of the man she wishes to be married to, is created in her mind which does not correspond to the image of the man she is actually married to; and there a crack in her creation has happened.

At some point, the focus on what is in her mind will be stronger than her focus on what she already has, and because creation follows what you focus upon the new image wants to be materialized. This will happen in one of two ways, generally speaking; either the woman believes in herself and knows that she creates her own reality and takes steps to live the life that she desires and deserves. Or she does not believe in herself and thinks that she is a leaf in the wind who has no power on the direction of her life and the only thing she can do is to keep dreaming. One day this later friend of ours will wake up to find the ground moving under her feet. She finds out that the marriage she wanted, for a long time, to change is now on the line in a completely shocking, surprising and unexpected way. Maybe her husband has decided to leave her, or maybe he ran away with her best friend, or any dramatic scenario of the infinite numbers of way we see marriages end with, which are in the end controlled by what she expects of both him and herself. Now she stands in the middle of this not knowing what has hit her or how it did happen. She feels disempowered and not in control.

To be continued …..

* To learn more about this program and how to change your life using it visit I See Light.