Saturday, October 13, 2012

The dark side of the force

I knew that it is only a matter of time before I am asked this question “there is this person I am in love with, but s/he does not feel the same way about me. Can I create a program to change her/him?” I don’t know if the program would work or not, but I can assure you one thing, you would live to regret doing that. This will be literally “stepping to the dark side of the force” which is about controlling and manipulating others. This type of action has been called bad names since the beginning of human history, and in no way that is what I am teaching here.

Let me try to distinguish what we are trying to do here from manipulation or controlling others. I am about the power of the knowledge that our life is merely a reflection of the way we belief about ourselves and our lives. By changing the way we perceive, our live and our surroundings also change (read the harpist). The key is in our perception, which is a result of our beliefs, and we work to change the way WE believe. The world is nothing but a mirror reflecting what is inside us. If we step in the direction of trying to change the way someone else reacts towards us, we will be in effect trying to change the reflection not what has been reflected. It is a big step in the wrong direction, because in the first case we do acknowledge that ‘we are the world’ and by perfecting ourselves we will create a perfect world for ourselves. In the second case, our focus will be on coercion, manipulation and control of our fellow humans, and we will discover, when it is too late, that all this negative energy has been directed towards ourselves. After all we are all one.

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